Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bran Hambric: The Specter Key

Hello book lovers!

I know I had said that my first post would be on a review of the Harry Potter series (and believe me, I am working on getting through the series...I am currently on Order of The Pheonix), however, something important has come up that you all must know!

Kaleb Nation, a very talented author who published his first book last year on 9/9/09 called Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse, is releasing his second book, the sequel, Bran Hambric: The Specter Key, on 10/10/10! That is only a month away!

I am quiet excited for this book, and I was planning on rereading the first book in order to review it, however, as school has started up I don't have as much time to free read anymore.... so, while you wait for the review, I would like to share a little bit about Bran Hambric.

Bran Hambric is about a young boy who lives in the city of Dunce where magic of all kind is forbidden. When Bran was a young boy, he was found in a bank vault by one Sewey Wilomas, who took him in as a child. A series of events triggers magic in Bran to show, as he gets older, and he finds out he is a Mage, and he begins to learn about his past which has been a mystery to him for some time.

I am sorry this is a very poor explanation of the book, sadly I do not have my copy with me at the moment, but trust me, if you like magic and mystery, this is a must read for you!

The sequel to The Farfield Curse, The Specter Key, takes place a short time after the Farfield Curse ends. While Bran is sorting through some boxes in the Bank Vault where he was found, he comes across a box with his mothers name on it. However, Bran is not able to open this secret box and begins to be haunted by spirits who call themselves, the Specters.

More information on the Bran Hambric series can be found at http://www.branhambric.com/ and more information on the author can be found at http://www.kalebnation.com/. You can also follow the author on twitter at www.twitter.com/kalebnation or for information on the book www.twitter.com/branhambric. For preview of The Specter Key, click here:

I do hope you consider these books, they are a great read!

Kaleb Nation has now posted the offical trailer! Click here to watch it!

Keep on reading!