Sunday, November 21, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 1

On Friday, I had went to see the much anticipated Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 1 with my boyfriend. Needless to say, I was not disappointed. As a reader of the books, multiple times I may add, I knew exactly what was going to happen and when it would happen. The advantage of this was I was able to prepare myself for the sad scenes, angry scenes, and happy scenes. However, I like that even us readers can be surprised in the movie.

I was happily surprised to see Dobby appear earlier than expected, he was not originally in the scene with Kreatcher and Mundungus Fletcher. It made me smile and exclaim my delight for the adorable creature we all love. Which is why it was all the more sad and depressing when he died. I knew it was coming, i prepared myself (I had my fingers in my mouth and biting my nails, which I never do) and yet I still cried. (My boyfriend found amusment in my sorrow lol).

Deathly Hallows is probably one of my favourites (althought, for now, Half Blood Prince I think takes the cake). In accounts for accuracy to the books, it comes in first place. I could picture the scenes of the book perfectly, and follow along in my head exactly, as I watched the movie. The parts missed out, or adapted, were not so important, and it worked perfectly.

As for the acting, I have to say those three just got better. Daniel Radcliff has only gotten more birlliant as the years gone on, and again, he never fails to show me the real Harry Potter. Rupert Grint is as funny as ever in this new movie, playing the riculously funny Ron hilariously, and the serious Ron perfectly. However, Emma Watson takes first place in my opinion for her acting. Her screams and actions during the torture scene were magnificant. I don't think anyone could have made Hermione Granger more proud.

As for those who have not read the book...will they be able to follow along? Absolutely, as long as they pay attention to every detail in the movie. Some information has been added in, that was in the books, but never previously mentioned in any of the other movies. I, myself, caught a few details that, if I were not a reader of the series, I would have been confused with. My boyfriend actually asked me to explain some of the details, as he has not (and will not) read the books. He was disappointed, slightly, because the trailer made the movie look alot more epic than it seems, but here's the thing: the trailer has scenes from pt 1 AND pt 2 in it, therefore fight scenes, and information in the trailer, has yet to be shown in the movie. After explaining this, he had to admit the movie wasn't so bad.

So fair warning, the movie isn't Action Packed (there are some damn good action and fighting scenes though), but it is still brilliant and good. It's to be expected for it to be calmer, pt 1 simply fills in the blanks of everything and is all about gathering information. TRUST ME, pt 2 is where it all picks up, where all the action happens.

It's the beginning of the end, people. It's sad, happy, and exciting. I hope you all go out and watch this movie, it is well worth it!

Until next time,
keep reading,

Monday, November 8, 2010


So book lovers,

I am very slow on the uptake for my Harry Potter reading...i am about 150 pages from finishing Order of the Pheonix (slow I know, but schools been so busy), and im praying that i finish the series before Deathly Hallows pt 1 comes out on Nov 19th...or that i at least finish it before I go and see the movie (the plan is Nov 20th lol). So, I'm hoping to have a review soon.

In other news, I have bought the last book in Cassandra Clare's Immortal Insturments series, City of Glass, and will be reading that as soon as I finish Harry Potter, so expect a review on that series as well!

Also, I have yet to buy Kaleb Nations new book, The Specter Key, due to the fact that I havent been able to make it out to the book store yet... so I havent read it either... the winter holidays are approchaing, only 6 weeks of the semester left, so hopefully we'll get rolling on these reviews soon enough!

If anyone out there has any book opinion or recomendations, feel free to let me know!

Keep on reading,